Ensembl 70 has been released!

We are pleased to announce release 70 of Ensembl.

What’s new in e!70?

  • New web features (sharing and streamlined interface to add your data to Ensembl).
  • Updated patches for the Human assembly (GRCh37.p10) and inclusion of patches for the Mouse assembly (GRCm38.p1).
  • Reanalysed Human BodyMap data from Illumina using the recently updated RNASeq pipeline. The BodyMap BAM files can be downloaded from our ftp site.
  • Imported HGMD-PUBLIC sequence variation data from release 2012.3 with regulatory data for Human.
  • Updated HAVANA manual curation for Human and Mouse.
  • A new regulatory build for Mouse including a much broader coverage for the Embryonic Fibroblast (MEF) build and additional data on other cell types.
  • New assemblies for Rat (Rnor 5.0) and Cat (Felis catus 6.2) and a new geneset for Fruitfly (FlyBase version 5.46).

Sharing pages and images and other web integration

Sharing is now enabled on Ensembl views. We have added a share icon in the toolbar above configurable images and a share button in the left menu on each page. Click on the share icon or button to send the link to a collaborator or colleague.  This works with uploaded data, and is a quick way to share your own data track with others. More information can be found in our FAQ.

We have merged the web interfaces for uploading your data and attaching it via a URL into a single form that changes as you select options. Click “Add your Data” to get started.

For the convenience of our Chinese users, if your IP address is based in China you will be served the Youku versions of our video tutorials instead of the YouTube ones.

Sequence Variation

We have new Human structural variants from COSMIC release 61. Sequence variation for Mouse and Cow have been updated to dbSNP 137. Rat and Cat have been remapped to the new assembly. Also we have imported HGMD-PUBLIC sequence variation data from release 2012.3 with regulatory data for Human.

New Assemblies

We are happy to introduce two major assembly update for this release.

Rattus norvegicusThe Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) genome, Rnor_5.0 was provided by the Rat Genome Sequencing Consortium. Rat models have been used to advance medical research in many areas like cardiovascular diseases, psychiatric disorders, neural regeneration, diabetes, cancer, wound and bone healing. Drug development also relies on rat models to demonstrate therapeutic efficacy and assess toxicity of drug compounds prior to human clinical trials.

The Felis_catus-6.2 assembly of the cat (Felis catus) genome was Felis catusproduced by the International Cat Genome Sequencing Consortium. The domestic cat is a significant model organism for biomedical research, especially in infectious disease research, and has aided human disease in research fields including neuroscience, behavioural biology, reproductive physiology and endocrinology.