Mismatching species name in comparative genomics data for Cebus imitator (Panamanian white-faced capuchin) |
Affects: Live site |
Expected Versions: Ensembl 108, Ensembl 109 |
Description: As its species name was updated from Cebus capucinus to Cebus imitator, the Panamanian white-faced capuchin (or Capuchin) was inadvertently included under its old name in comparative genomics processing for Ensembl 108. As a result, though Ensembl 108 has comparative genomics data for this species, some elements of the data are missing.
- In the gene-tree view image, Capuchin genes are shown with the correct gene display name, but the species name is shown as “Ancestral sequence”. The menu shows the updated species name “Panamanian white-faced capuchin (C. imitator)”, while files downloaded via the “Export” button refer to it by the old species name (i.e. “cebus_capucinus” or its abbreviated form “Ccap”).
- The orthologue table view of a Capuchin gene shows its orthologues in other species, and the “Download orthologues” button enables download of alignment files including the Capuchin gene itself. However, for genes of other species, Capuchin orthologues are missing from both the orthologue table view and downloadable orthologue alignment files.
- In gene gain/loss tree views, gene-tree stats and species tree pages, Capuchin may be omitted or have missing elements (e.g. thumbnail image).
- Genomic alignments of Capuchin are not available via the Ensembl 108 website. This will be fixed in Ensembl 110 with the inclusion of the Panamanian white-faced capuchin in comparative genomics processing under its updated species name, C. imitator.
Workaround: Genomic alignments involving Capuchin were not updated in the Ensembl 108 website, so it is recommended to access these via the Ensembl 107 archive site. We also recommend to use comparative genomics resources from the Ensembl 107 archive site for use cases that are negatively affected by the missing elements of Capuchin gene tree and homology data.